Monday, October 12, 2009

A nice essay (lame oso)

Title : If I Were Given Three Wishes

Today, my teacher, Miss XXX commanded e to write an essay entitled "If I Were Given Three Wishes". Yes, if my readers are wondering why i stressed on the word MISS, i would just like to remind my dear readers that my 'dear' teacher is single.

For my first wish, I would wish to see my teacher get married. Just the other day, I remembered her saying that we must learn to accept changes or to accept someone. I guess, the teacher is like a pot calling the kettle black. Of course, with her getting married, she will understand that males are in fact, smarter and cleverer than women. Don't get me wrong and start calling me a sexist. By the way, i am a male. For my readers' information, my teacher is always stressing out that females can live without males. Let me point it out to her that everything exists for a reason. So are the different sexes. Males are often regarded as the breadwinner of the family while females tend to the family. Before i stop writing as the bell s ringing, let me stress it out that when i said males are better than females I was only joking and trying to taunt her. I was about to stop writing but my teacher is still in the class. I had to continue.

Before I wish my second wish, I want to let my readers know that i am a lazy, clumsy and obnoxious student. If there is something which I can finish faster by any men, I would. Because of that, my second wish is to skip right next to my third wish.

My last wish is to wish that i can wish a wish which no one wished to see my wish wished. Immature or childish you may say, i can definitely give an excuse for this last wish. As you can see, I was given an hour to finish this essay. However, I "accidentally" wasted half an hour. Because of that, I was forced to hand in my essay right now as my teacher is patrolling the class.

Teacher's note : When are you going to grow up?

P.S - Names and subject are not revealed to protect the identities.

This is written by my fren. Hahahahha...

Without wax,

1 comment:

  1. Hang on, I thought you were under Miss Ho? But never mind, masterpiece as usual!

    Did you know about Miss Loh and "George"? ;)
